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Moxie's Home Cooking

Moxie is back with a new cooking adventure, this time closer to home. Cook and learn new recipes with and from our very own players!

Like any good Chef, Moxie searched for a new challenge. And, proving once more what an amazing Community Bingo Blitz has, it provided it!

This time around, Moxie is going back to Bingoville to learn the most delicious recipes that came straight from you, our Blitzers!

The Challenge 


The kitchen is ready, and the challenge is on!

Earn ingredients, cook dishes, and complete all the sets to win the Grand Prize.




Ingredients can be acquired by playing Bingo rounds, playing the special events, completing Basket Chases, collecting your Daily Basket, growing them in your Garden, trading with your friends, and making purchases in the Store.

Be on the lookout for Ingredient Shuffles. You can earn Shuffles with Ingredient Baskets in the game. Replace your Ingredients of choice with others of the same rarity and once you’re done, press the ‘Done Shuffling’ button.

There are several types of Baskets, each type containing a different number of ingredients of varying rarities. The more you cook, the more types of Baskets you can access!


Each category you complete unlocks new seeds and a new plot in your Garden. Make sure to plant the seeds and water them often to grow the freshest ingredients for your dishes.

Become a PLUS member and never worry about watering your garden again! PLUS comes with the Auto-Drencher feature, so that you can relax and only check your garden when you must plant new ingredients or collect the ripe ones!

For those of you who are in a hurry to finish first, the Double Drencher Booster is available. A handy little tool, with which you can finish the job in half the time!

Once you gather the ingredients, it’s time to get cooking.


The Menu 

The menu is comprised of three main sets with three categories of four delicious meals.

Each category you complete will reward you with new seeds and more plots of land in your Garden, as well as Chef Points that will go towards your progress in the Chef Brigade.



Special Dishes 


Prepare the tastiest dishes and enjoy special rewards.

Stay alert and keep an eye out for Drew, because you never know when she might show up!

Step into a world of flavors and fun in Bingoville. Aprons on, Blitzers!



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